Alloys and Metallurgy

    Ti-6Al-4V ELI is a Titanium alloy that is known for its strength and corrosion resistance. The naming of the alloy gives the three main elements: Titanium Aluminum, and Vanadium. The ELI means Extra Low Interstitial. This means that the spaces between the atoms in the atom structure are filled in so that the metal is more resistant to breaking.
    In the beginning of this unit the Junior class read booklets (LAP’s) containing information on several topics including: the difference between stress and strain, the importance of heat treating, importance of the physical properties of alloys, and the different naming systems that are used to name different alloys. After we read the LAP’s we were given worksheets to help us sort and better remember the information learned.
    Next, Lila Dreves, Austin Edwards and I chose decided the alloy of Ti-6Al-4V ELI, which is used in various surgical back screws, was the alloy we wanted research. During the research phase we were given a chance to use a Brinell hardness tester and Rockwell a, b, and c hardness testers. In doing so we had to apply the knowledge learned from the LAP’s and find the
     After, I had gained some background information on metallurgy and alloys, my teammates and I began gathering even more information on the alloy Ti-6Al-4V ELI and sorting and citing all references. Then, so we could have a structured presentation, we made and outline of our presentation (attached below)
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Chemistry Skills
Define metals and list 5 properties

Define alloys and explain their importance

Describe properties of common alloys and give applications of each

Understand the Steel alloys: AISI-SAE system

Understand the Aluminum alloys:  AA system

Understand the Copper Alloys: CDA system

Understand the Unified Numbering System

Define metallurgy

Explain what a metallurgist does

Describe how metallurgy knowledge can be used to solve industrial problems

Understand how chemistry is related to metallurgy

Define chemical terms such as element, atom, compound, molecule, & solutions

Explain the relationship between strength, hardness, and ductility (mechanical properties)

Compare various types of stresses

Describe stress-strain diagrams

Explain modulus of elasticity

Explain physical properties of alloys

Define "heat treating" and explain its importance

Annealing: describe and give application

Normalizing: describe and give application

Quenching: describe and give application

Tempering: describe and give application

Understand how heat treating changes the mechanical properties of alloys

Define Percent Composition Calculate 

Percent Composition from a formula  

Compare Kelvin Temperature to Celsius Scale


Demonstrate flexibility in using independent and collaborative strategies for planning, drafting, revising, and editing complex texts.

Know and use a variety of prewriting strategies to generate, focus, and organize ideas (e.g., free writing, clustering/mapping, talking with others, brainstorming, outlining, developing graphic organizers, taking notes, summarizing, paraphrasing).

Revise drafts to more fully and/or precisely convey meaning—drawing on response from others, self-reflection, and reading one’s own work with the eye of a reader; then refine the text— deleting and/or reorganizing ideas, and addressing potential readers’ questions.

Reorganize sentence elements as needed and choose grammatical and stylistic options that provide sentence variety, fluency, and flow.

Edit for style, tone, and word choice (specificity, variety, accuracy, appropriateness, conciseness) and for conventions of grammar, usage and mechanics that are appropriate for audience.

Proofread to check spelling, layout, and font; and prepare selected pieces for a public audience.

Write, speak, and use images and graphs to understand and discover complex ideas.

Compose written and spoken essays or work-related text that demonstrate logical thinking and the development of ideas for academic, creative, and personal purposes: essays that convey the author’s message by using an engaging introduction (with a clear thesis as appropriate), well-constructed paragraphs, transition sentences, and a powerful conclusion.

Compose essays with well-crafted and varied sentences demonstrating a precise, flexible, and creative use of language.

Use speaking, writing, and visual presentations to appeal to audiences of different social, economic, and cultural backgrounds and experiences (e.g., include explanations and definitions according to the audience’s background, age, or knowledge of the topic; adjust formality of style; consider interests of potential readers).

Participate collaboratively and productively in groups (e.g., response groups, work teams, discussion groups, and committees)—fulfilling roles and responsibilities, posing relevant questions, giving and following instructions, acknowledging and building on ideas and contributions of others to answer questions or to solve problems, and offering dissent courteously.

Evaluate own and others’ effectiveness in group discussions and formal presentations (e.g., considering accuracy, relevance, clarity, and delivery; types of arguments used; and relationships among purpose, audience, and content).

Use the formal, stylistic, content, and mechanical conventions of a variety of genres in speaking, writing, and multimedia presentations.
Identify, explore, and refine topics and questions appropriate for research.

Develop a system for gathering, organizing, paraphrasing, and summarizing information; select, evaluate, synthesize, and use multiple primary and secondary (print and electronic) resources.

Interpret, synthesize, and evaluate information/findings in various print sources and media (e.g., fact and opinion, comprehensiveness of the evidence, bias, varied perspectives, motives and credibility of the author, date of publication) to draw conclusions and implications. 

Develop organizational structures appropriate to the purpose and message, and use transitions that produce a sequential or logical flow of ideas.

Use appropriate conventions of textual citation in different contexts (e.g., different academic disciplines and workplace writing situations).

Recognize the role of research, including student research, as a contribution to collective knowledge, selecting an appropriate method or genre through which research findings will be shared and evaluated, keeping in mind the needs of the prospective audience. (e.g., presentations, online sharing, written products such as a research report, a research brief, a multi-genre report, I-Search, literary analysis, news article).

Use writing, speaking, and visual expression to develop powerful, creative and critical messages.

Prepare spoken and multimedia presentations that effectively address audiences by careful use of voice, pacing, gestures, eye contact, visual aids, audio and video technology.

Select format and tone based on the desired effect and audience, using effective written and spoken language, sound, and/or visual representations (e.g., focus, transitions, facts, detail and evidence to support judgments, skillful use of rhetorical devices, and a coherent conclusion).

Use technology tools (e.g, word processing, presentation and multimedia software) to produce polished written and multimedia work (e.g., literary and expository works, proposals, business presentations, advertisements).

Respond to and use feedback to strengthen written and multimedia presentations (e.g., clarify and defend ideas, expand on a topic, use logical arguments, modify organization, evaluate effectiveness of images, set goals for future presentations). 

Use a variety of pre-reading and previewing strategies (e.g., acknowledge own prior knowledge, make connections, generate questions, make predictions, scan a text for a particular purpose or audience, analyze text structure and features) to make conscious choices about how to approach the reading based on purpose, genre, level of difficulty, text demands and features.

Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words, specialized vocabulary, figurative language, idiomatic expressions, and technical meanings of terms through context clues, word roots and affixes, and the use of appropriate resource materials such as print and electronic dictionaries.

Identify and evaluate the primary focus, logical argument, structure, and style of a text or speech and the ways in which these elements support or confound meaning or purpose.

Demonstrate appropriate social skills of audience, group discussion, or work team behavior by listening attentively and with civility to the ideas of others, gaining the floor in respectful ways, posing appropriate questions, and tolerating ambiguity and lack of consensus.  

Use methods of close and contextualized reading and viewing to examine, interpret, and evaluate print and visual media and other works from popular culture.
Use a variety of strategies to enhance listening comprehension (e.g., monitor message for clarity and understanding, ask relevant questions, provide verbal and nonverbal feedback, notice cues such as change of pace or emphasis that indicate a new point is about to be made; and take notes to organize essential information).

Read, listen to, and view diverse texts for multiple purposes such as learning complex procedures, making work-place decisions, or pursuing in-depth studies.

Read, view, and/or listen independently to a variety of fiction, nonfiction, and multimedia genres based on student interest and curiosity.

Critically read and interpret instructions for a variety of tasks (e.g., completing assignments, using software, writing college and job applications).

Critically interpret primary and secondary research-related documents (e.g., historical and government documents, newspapers, critical and technical articles, and subject-specific books). 

Engage in self-assessment as a reader, listener, and viewer, while monitoring comprehension and using a variety of strategies to overcome difficulties when constructing and conveying meaning.

Reflect on personal understanding of reading, listening, and viewing; set personal learning goals; and take responsibility for personal growth.

Use sentence structures and vocabulary effectively within different modes (oral and written, formal and informal) and for various rhetorical purposes.
Use resources to determine word meanings, pronunciations, and word etymologies (e.g., context, print and electronic dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, and others).

Use a range of linguistic applications and styles for accomplishing different rhetorical purposes (e.g., persuading others to change opinions, conducting business transactions, speaking in a public forum, discussing issues informally with peers).

Control standard English structures in a variety of contexts (e.g., formal speaking, academic prose, business, and public writing) using language carefully and precisely.

Demonstrate use of conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics in written texts, including parts of speech, sentence structure and variety, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.


I chose to show this project in my portfolio to illustrate my skills I had acquired during the various stages of this project. Also, this project helped me learn new presentation skills how to cite the propper MLA style.