Mentor Entry: Communication

    At the beginning of any students junior or first year senior’s school year at MTA they are given the opportunity to have a mentor. They have a breakfast that allows the mentee’s (students) to meet their chosen mentor. Each mentor is based off of two main evaluations, the students’ geographical location, and the students’and mentors’ interests. Within the first two months of meeting with their mentor the student and mentor sit down and list goals both would like to accomplish. During the school year they are required to meet once a month with their mentor to have in depth discussions about the company their mentor works at. The topics are chosen, but not limited to, by the MTA staff. They are just  a base to begin the discussion during the meeting. The topics given were: Time Management, Teamwork, Communication, Professional Development, Quality Control, Marketing, and a topic of the students choosing.
     For my junior year I had the opportunity to have Shannon Mansfield as my mentor. Mrs. Mansfield works at Electro-Optics Technology (EO-Tech) as a Laser Technician. EO-Tech makes high powered laser components such as an isolator; which prevents the laser beam from bouncing back and destroying the laser. After each meeting I would record my thoughts and analyze our discussions in a journal. The journal entry where I thought was the most important was January’s topic on communication. Communication skills are very important in any job and I sometimes have troubles on non-verbal communication so I thought that topic was the most beneficial to me. This also helped me accomplish one of the goals we set.
    Attached below is a copy of the January mentor meeting journal entry and a copy of the goals that both Shannon and I set.

Mentor Goals
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Mentor Journal
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SKills and Objectives

Compose drafts that convey an impression, express an opinion, raise a question, argue a position, explore a topic, tell a story, or serve another purpose, while simultaneously considering the constraints and possibilities (e.g.,)structure, language, use of conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics) of the selected form or genre.

Proofread to check spelling, layout, and font; and prepare selected pieces for a public audience.

Write, speak, and create artistic representations to express personal experience and perspective (e.g., personal narrative, poetry, imaginative writing, slam poetry, blogs, webpages).

Demonstrate understanding of written, spoken, or visual information by restating, paraphrasing, summarizing, critiquing, or composing a personal response; distinguish between a summary and a critique.

Demonstrate appropriate social skills of audience, group discussion, or work team behavior by listening attentively and with civility to the ideas of others, gaining the floor in respectful ways, posing appropriate questions, and tolerating ambiguity and lack  of consensus.

Use a variety of strategies to enhance listening comprehension (e.g., monitor message for clarity and understanding, ask relevant  questions, provide verbal and nonverbal feedback, notice cues such as
change of  pace or emphasis that indicate a new point is about to be made; and take notes  to organize essential information).

Reflect on personal understanding of  reading, listening, and viewing; set personal learning goals;
and take  responsibility for personal growth.

Understand the ways people use media  in their personal and public lives.

Control standard English structures  in a variety of contexts (e.g., formal speaking, academic prose,
business, and  public writing) using language carefully and precisely. 

Demonstrate use  of conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics in written texts, including  parts of speech, sentence structure and variety, spelling, capitalization, and  punctuation.

Use sentence structures and vocabulary effectively within  different modes (oral and written, formal and (informal) and for various  rhetorical purposes.

Schedule  time to meet task/project deadlines

Display punctuality and regular  attendance

Demonstrate initiative

Work without close  supervision

Be willing to put out extra effort, as  required

Exhibit good work ethic

Exhibit trustworthy  behavior

Respect rights and property of others

Updated  resume

Determine personal strengths and weaknesses

Set realistic  goals and plan to achieve them


Company  Tours

Special Projects