Technical Standards for Blueprint Reading

Language of the industry
Identify Prints
Identify how prints are produced
Care for prints properly
Identify the importance of prints

Reading a Steel Rule
Identify the importance of the steel rule
Read a fractional steel rule
Read a decimal steel rule
Read a metric steel rule
Applied Mathematics
Identify common fractions
Add, subtract, multiply and divide common fractions
identify decimal fractions
Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimal fractions
Identify the metric system and metric numbers
Add subtract, multiply and divide metric numbers

Measurement Tools
Read a fractional-inch scale 
Read a metric scale 
Identify the parts of a micrometer
Read a decimal-inch micrometer
Read a metric micrometer

Alphabet of Lines
Identify the alphabet of lines
Identify where the various types of lines are used
Produce lines of various line weights
Produce the various types of lines

Basic Technical Sketching Lettering and Dimensioning
Identify the materials needed to freehand technical sketch
Properly sharpen a pencil
Properly hold a pencil for sketching
Sketch horizontal, vertical and inclined lines
Sketch arcs, circles and ellipses
identify aids used for freehand technical lettering
Read and produce Gothic-style technical lettering
Identify and follow guidelines for lettering
Produce letters with proper spacing
Identify types and proper placement of dimensions

Geometric Construction
Define terms related to geometric construction
Identify geometric shapes and geometric characteristics

Mutli View Drawings
Explain orthographic projection and multiview drawing
Select the best views to describe an object
Describe and object by reading a multiview drawing
Explain three visualization principles of orthographic multiview projection
Identify three dimensions of an object
List the three regular views
Identify three principal planes of projection I
dentify the three types of flat surfaces
Explain characteristics of cylindrical surfaces
Explain characteristics of fillets, rounds, runouts

Auxiliary Views
Identify the auxiliary view
Explain the benefits of auxiliary views

Section Views
Explain full sections
Identify half sections
Explain offset sections
Identify aligned sections
Explain broken-out sections
Compare revolved sections and removed sections
Identify partial sections'
Identify outline sections
Explain conventional practices applied to section views

Identify terms used with dimensions Apply the choice and placement rules drafters use Identify the various types of dimensions

 Identify terms related to tolerancing
Explain how tolerances are expressed on a drawing I
dentify the metric system of indicating a tolerance by symbol